[Rhodes22-list] Some simple dimensions, please:
ccowie at cowieassociates.com
Wed May 12 10:49:56 EDT 2010
Enclosed is a photo of Opus to give you an idea of how I installed the boat
numbers and name.
http://old.nabble.com/file/p28536957/IMG_7065r.jpg IMG_7065r.jpg
Joe Camp wrote:
> I have cemented my deal with Stan for a 1987 boat to recycle; I'll
> have it beginning of August. Following the GB guidelines (and in keeping
> with my own sense of style) I have elected to affix the name to the boat
> in the form of a nice brass or bronze plaque to the gunwhale side where
> the deck and hull are joined (near where the Rhodes 22 emblem is).
> What I need is the width of this space, so I can order the plate to
> fit. Can anyone provide guidance on this measure? (Yes, stupid question,
> because I KNOW someone can and will.)
> Therein lies the beauty of this forum. And to say thanks, I will include
> a (non-nautical) poem to tease you all into thinking I am somehow special
> or telented. Tally-ho! (wait, that's for horses)
> OK, avast!
> Joe
> Don Henry’s Hands
> JJ
> Camp
> They look the same
> today as fifteen—twenty
> years ago when ancient
> tools still knew his
> handprint-grip guided them.
> Fingers recall every splinter
> of experience: each deliberate nail
> hammered first, then set
> with the polished steel punch
> honed glassy-smooth
> by a generation of use
> generation of care
> careful practice, practiced art
> learned beside the wide slow
> Juniata River—shadow
> of Herringbone Ridge on dewy
> mornings reached toward
> the pensive water, purposefully
> watched Don unfold the wooden
> ruler—gift from his father—history
> alive in every quarter-inch.
> And a younger Don—remembering—knows every
> good hole to fish on the Lickin’ Creek
> above the river, in days
> when Bashore’s Hardware
> still had gas pumps
> on Main Street in old Port Royal.
> November 2004
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