[Rhodes22-list] Sinking at the dock

Gary Lockhart gary_lockhart33 at yahoo.com
Thu May 27 12:34:43 EDT 2010

Da List,
A couple of pictures show a color change, which is from water seeping through the trunk wall. I bought the 1979 Continental in 2007 and sailed that year with only a little water collecting in the bilge, none in the laz. In early 2008, I painted the bottom and pulled the center board, painting it the inside of the trunk while I had it apart and replaced the lifting line. Replaced the hoses to the rear seat drains too. Thought I was good to go.Wasn't able to launch in 2008 or 2009 (but that's another story). My best guess at this point is there was some water getting into the walls of the trunk back in 2007 but the seal over the top of the ballast was keeping it out of the inside of the boat. After the brutal winter we just had, the freezing cracked that seal and now water is free to flow into the trunk wall and up into the bilge. So the Casey books are worth the cost? The West System instructions seem rather extensive. Thanks to all for your suggestions
 and support.
Gary s/v Coquina '79 Continental
Snow Hill, MD 

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