[Rhodes22-list] Reintroduction

Mary Lou Troy mtroy at atlanticbb.net
Tue Nov 16 20:14:09 EST 2010

Hey Mike, Welcome back! And congratulations on your retirement!

Mary Lou
1991 R22 Fretless
Rock Hall, MD

At 03:07 PM 11/16/2010, you wrote:
>      By way of a reintroduction I am Mike Corley, a loyal Rhodes owner since
>1996.  I have not been active on the list in several years.  It is
>definitely a lot quieter now than it used to be.  Sort of miss the barroom
>mentality of the old list.
>      I have owned two Rhodes, the first was a new 96 model I bought from
>Stan and then after returning from Europe Stan made me a great deal and I
>traded it in on a slightly used and upgraded 99 Rhodes in 2000, but that is
>another story.  I like to tell people that I liked the boat so much I bought
>it twice.  I still take the boat back to GB in Edenton, NC when it needs
>work which is infrequently.  Stan and GB is the most honest business I have
>ever dealt with and they still do good work!
>      I just recently retired from the Army after 30 years of service.  I
>retired from Fort Monroe, Va and now live in Smithfield, Va at the
>intersection of the Pagan and James Rivers. I keep my boat at the Old Point
>Comfort Marina at Ft Monroe in Hampton, Va which is about 22 miles from
>Smithfield.  My children are grown now so I primarily singlehand which is
>easy to do in a Rhodes.  I have enjoyed sailing the Southern Chesapeake for
>the last four years.  Previously I have sailed my Rhodes out of Middle River
>near Baltimore, Newbern, NC on the Neuse river, and Washington DC on the
>Potomac River.  As all of you will agree, the Rhodes is a great costal and
>inland pocket cruiser!
>Mike Corley
>S/V Ranger
>99 Rhodes
>Hampton Roads, Va
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