[Rhodes22-list] Plasteak Hatch Boards

Rick sloopblueheron at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 16:34:04 EST 2010

It is hard to find good veneered marine plywood these days.  My original
hatch boards from Stan lasted 15 years.  They were plywood with an oak or
teak looking plastic veneer.  The replacements I had made were teak veneer
and lasted 2 years.

Stan now uses all plastic for his hatch boards.  Stan's plastic looks like
plastic, but I like the woody look.

Plasteak, using recycled plastic, makes SeaRay OEM floor boards for the
cabin soles.  They also provide aftermarket replacements for all SeaRay
exterior teak.

These hatch boards were $215.  Contact Jennifer Littlebear who handles
custom work at http://plasteak.com/osc/contact_us.php.

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