[Rhodes22-list] Raven's new galley.
Philip Gauthier
gauthi06 at yahoo.ca
Wed Aug 10 14:45:52 EDT 2011
Hello everyone. Though I haven't been writing I have been reading the newsletters every day. The queries, re the iceboxes,
made me feel I should send a photo of Raven's new Galley. It's actually a year now but we had decided that in the
process of renovating her aging countertops we would change out the icebox with a fridge. As well we upgraded the sink to a larger
one in stainless steel. The sink isn't quite as deep as the original but it's a lot easier to work in. We opted for the fridge as we found it
a pain to always carry ice and this way we just leave beer etc in the fridge and it's cold when we get there the next time. I think the
renovations with the addition of the fridge only added about 20 or 25lbs (if that). A concern for the racers out there I guess but it hasn't
made any difference to our daysailing. With 2 good batteries we did an overnight trip and there was no issue of low voltage preventing
any of the instruments from working. We also have a solar panel that we could have used, if we'd wanted, but didn't on this outing. We
removed the countertop burner all together as we found we prefer using our portable burner sitting on the counter or outside on the table
closer to the BBQ. The cleaner countertop area is a lot better for prepping meals.
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