[Rhodes22-list] A tree stand for a Rhodes22 and boat lift
Graham Stewart
gstewart8 at cogeco.ca
Fri Sep 27 10:23:38 EDT 2013
Hi Rob:
Actually I got both postings and all photos. These latter shots are great
and explain what you did very well.
One of the valuable lessons I have learned since joining this last over the
last year is that I have a tendency to go way overboard on everything I do
in relation to boats along with the related great expenditures of time and
money. I am constantly chagrined to see the simple solutions others have
found to problems that I have put enormous energy into - unnecessarily.
Building a rig to lift the boat off the trailer is no exception. It is a bit
embarrassing to post a picture and description of the lift I built now but
It might still be of interest to those interested in having a permanent and
transportable lift that will raise a variety of boats way up - i.e., 5 to 6
feet - for bottom work. Even with this rationale it still looks ridiculous
now. It is one of those projects that started as a simple weekend project
and bit by bit grew into something that barely resembles what I had in mind
initially. I have been obsessing about how strong the lift needs to be. You
rig gives me some confidence that mine should be sufficient and I appreciate
that very much. I feel safer now that I see that tow straps and a picnic
table can suffice - although I realize that you have blocked your boat
before you actually started working on the hull. There is something about
being killed by having your boat fall on you that seems reflective of poor
seamanship to say the least and have peoples' last impression of me as being
a complete idiot.
I have built the lift for my Rhodes but I will also use for my other boats -
a small pontoon boat and a 19' wooden outboard. In my case I wanted to
raise the boat very high as I need to get right under the keel to work on a
big crack that has developed on the very bottom of the keel. I didn't want
to do that lying on my back with my head under the keel and that weight
trying to come down on me. It would have worked but I lacked the courage.
I have attached a picture of the yet unproven lift. Because of heart surgery
this year I did not actually get to use the lift with the Rhodes yet
although It worked quite nicely with my much lighter pontoon boat. The
reason that I am posting these specs now is that if the thing come down on
me next spring you will all know to make yours a bit stronger. Otherwise I
will post pictures of the boat on the left next spring.
What the picture does not show are the lifting slings which are endless loop
slings rated at #9600. To hoist the boat I will be using two 2 ton chain
hosts. The cable is 3/16 rated at #2200 working load and #4200 breaking.
There are four of them so that should be sufficient. The 6 blocks are rated
at 8 tons each which I acknowledge is way overkill but the cheaper ones had
only 2" sheaves and that takes a significant on on the strength of the
cable. Given that they cost me $15 on sale there was nothing to save going
smaller. The legs are 12' 6x6 and the beams are made of three 2x8s. In
addition to the lifting straps I will have two independently rigged #3000
straps similar to yours as a safety. Once I have lifted the boat up I plan
to attach cross beams under the boat to take the weight off the straps and
hold the boat steady.
I move the lift using my utility trailer rigged up with two lifting arms
operated by come-along winches and towed by my 25 year old 12hp garden
tractor. I use the same rig to move my floating boathouse when it is on
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Rob Granger
Sent: September-26-13 5:58 PM
To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] A tree stand for a Rhodes22
Hey guys.
I don't know if my last response on this came through or not. I was asked
to comment about the stand I made for my Rhodes and I responded with a bunch
of pics... the post got bounced back because it was too large and then I
could not find the original in my gMail... so... here are a few answers to
your questions...
Yes, the back of the boat is sitting on a picnic table. I backed up the
boat, lowered the tongue and slid the table underneath, the stern. Then I
used the trailers jack to lift the tongue as high as it would go. I slipped
two tow straps around the boat and tightened them up, lowered the tongue and
pulled the trailer out.
Next I blocked off the stern, and keel and then took some of the pressure
off of the tow straps with an auto jack. I removed one of the straps.
The remaining strap is rated at 3000# but it is not holding up the entire
mass of the boat. The boat is blocked and the strap provides lateral
support. See pics.
I hope I answered all of your questions. If not just shoot another email.
The other Rob
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