[Rhodes22-list] Soul of the sole

The Rhodes 22 Email List rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Thu Jan 15 11:59:02 EST 2015

I've answered this question several times recently and my choice remains  
the same. I use a product called NP1. It is a single part polyurethane that 
is  extremely sticky, remains flexible and doesn't harden over it's expected 
life  expectancy of 15 years when exposed to direct sunlight and weather.
Silicon is not a good choice as it does not adhere to surfaces. It is  
designed to be used as a sealant,such as in installing gaskets which are under  
pressure. It could be argued that the deck joint functions like this, but in 
 reality it doesn't. 
In a message dated 1/15/2015 10:43:45 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org writes:

3m 5200  It is what most manufacturers are using for hull to deck sealants. 
 It is  true it is an adhesive. But, it is a waterproof strongly adherent, 
flexible  one.  If removed you do have to grind it off with a power drill 
and wire  brush.  It may also make the boat less desirable to recycle.
The 5200  adhesive and 4200 sealants are moisture cure polyurethanes.  
Water causes  it to cure and set up.  I do not believe Silicone is the treatment 
of  choice, though it would work for a while.  It looses its adherence over 
 time with the flexing of the hull and will wick moisture in by capillary  
action within a few years.  Silicone also shouldnt be used below the  
waterline ever! and someone used it to seal my through hull joints.  I  have to 
take them out and seal them properly too.
Who out there has used  silicone and what is your experience? Silicone is 
cheaper and great for house  windows but i dont think it has a place on board 
a boat.  It isnt totally  waterproof and breaks down very fast in a salty, 
warm environment. If you are  bedding hardware you might want to remove in 
the future, perhaps 3M 4200 might  be the way to go.
Lets ask Rummy!

> On Jan 15, 2015, at  10:07 AM, The Rhodes 22 Email List 
<rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>  wrote:
> I would not use 5200 if I were you.  It is a  permanent adhesive and not
> designed for this type of  application.  Use a sealant instead and you'll 
> better  off.
> Hank
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:55 AM, The Rhodes  22 Email List <
> rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org> wrote:
>> Graham: Yes that is what i meant.  These boats have a  notoriously leaky
>> hull to deck joint.  Stan explained it was  due to the workers 
ineptitude he
>> had applying the joint caulk  during those years.  They probably caulked 
>> seam after the  hull and deck were fastened instead of caulking both 
>> then  putting the sandwich together and just wiping away the excess.
>> I  am going to remove the rail, clean out as much old caulk as i can  and
>> then seal it with 3m 5200 and re-attach the rub rail. It  shouldnt leak 
>> more.  I did this once before on an 80's  era boat and it worked great.
>> Shortcuts were happening in every  industry back then.
>>>> On Jan 15, 2015, at 9:43  AM, The Rhodes 22 Email List <
>>>  rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org> wrote:
>>> I doubt  that it is the rub rail that is leaking. If it is leaking  
>>> the screw holes you might get away with just removing  the screws one 
at a
>>> time and reinserting with sealant. It is  more likely that the leak is
>> behind
>>> the rub rail  where the deck and hull join.
>>>  Graham
>>> -----Original  Message-----
>>> From:  rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>>  [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of The Rhodes  22
>> Email
>>> List
>>> Sent: January-15-15  6:56 AM
>>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>>> Subject:  Re: [Rhodes22-list] Soul of the sole
>>> Thanks  Rummy.
>>> Yes i already have the bleach and scrub brush out  there.  I am going to
>> do
>>> the rub rail first  though.  Very leaky boat!
>>> Bob
>>>>> On Jan 15, 2015, at 5:06 AM, The Rhodes 22 Email  List
>>>> <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>  wrote:
>>>> I'm sure you are aware of  this,but the photo shows a great deal of 
>>>> You might  want to clean the area really good with a soapy bleach
>>>>  solution prior  to installing the new stringers.
>>>> Rummy
>>>> In a message dated 1/14/2015 9:29:05 P.M. Eastern  Standard Time,
>>>> rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org  writes:
>>>>  http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attachments/20150114/6
>>>>  474727
>>>> 0/attachment.JPG
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