[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes22 & Sailing Desolation Sound

The Rhodes 22 Email List rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Tue Mar 24 01:55:51 EDT 2015

Glad you enjoyed the tale Patrick.  My wife and I plan on an encore of all
the best sailing adventures we've had in the last 20 years, and then some.
So 2 months in Desolation sound is on the calendar this summer.  Then a
repeat of the Mexican adventure but for 5 months this comming winter.  Then
a repeat of the Bahama adventures in the following spring but only for a
month or so.  Then stick the boat on a freighter and over to Italy next
summer.  I'll try to post the adventures and anyone interesting in meeting
us along the way on their boat, we would welcome some Rhodie company.

Chris & Alice

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 7:36 PM, The Rhodes 22 Email List <
rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org> wrote:

> I was wandering by www.rhodes22.com recently and came across the odyssey
> of
> Enosis on the front page.  Downloadable .pdf files of Chris' adventures.
> Some of you may enjoy the read as I did.
> For some reason with the first file I had to right-click on it and open in
> a new window (windows exploder and chrome) but the rest opened with just a
> click.
> -Patrick
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