[Rhodes22-list] from stan Re: stan vs Rummy

The Rhodes 22 Email List rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Sat May 16 07:41:03 EDT 2015

You guys and ladies will have to excuse our not getting around to your 
questions.  With almost zero cash flow now coming from boat sales we are 
busy with the Your Organic Grocer's first store.  Not that Rhodes boats 
are not selling (Richard immediately sold to one of lots of prospects 
that called).   But few are willing to concede that our ongoing 
investments in time and money create their buyers. So we are forced to 
redirect all of that energy.  We have to pay the grocer.  May just as 
well run up that bill at our own store.  GB will not shut down - just 
severely cut back its pro bono bleeding.

And yes, there is no plywood in our in-house built boats and the machine 
screws are threaded into the over one inch thick cabin trunk roof and 
there is no possibility of rot anywhere so the choice of any sealant is 
personal and even optional.  Finally, the gel coat layer should be made 
greater than the screw hole so as to avoid any chipping when choosing to 
lower the mast fast by pulling out the crane's permanent deck plate.


On 5/10/15 4:02 PM, The Rhodes 22 Email List wrote:
> Stan,
> Are just the machine bolts threaded into the plywood core sufficient to
> attach the mast hoist cabin roof block for the initial installation?  Is
> nothing more needed to protect against water intrusion into the core?
> To re-attach a torn out mast step plate from a rotted base, I did pretty
> much did what you advise for the mast hoist block.  That is, to take the
> plate attachment screws, I pushed wood dowels slightly wider than the
> screws into still soft penetrating epoxy.
> When a rum imbibed mast crane operator thought he was pulling a keel
> stepped mast, damage to the cabin roof gelcoat was disastrous. How would it
> be any different with the way you re-attach the mast hoist block?
> Wearing my fire suit,
> Rick
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