[Rhodes22-list] Kit for coastal hops.

Chris Geankoplis chrisgeankoplis at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 17:10:10 EDT 2018

Hey Alex,
            That got me to thinking, I do have lots of list for long term
cruising and some other stuff on stowage and modifications.  Think if I
have the time I'll post those lists.  Some were posted a number years ago
when we were sailing in the Sea of Cortez and another time for British
Columbia.  A lot has stayed the same but some things have changed due to
the current sailing conditions and past experience.  So coming soon to a
list near you....

Chris G

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 12:31 AM, S/V Lark <Colealexander at hotmail.com>

> Chris suggested a spare tiller.   Figuring that there is a good story to
> follow, it raised the question taught by experience:   What gear do people
> keep in their boats?
> I have a set of wooden bungs, a hand pump plus the electric bilge pump (and
> enough hose to extend into the centerboard pennant scupper from the bilge),
> crescent wrench, needle nose pliers, regular pliers, and a 4 bit
> screwdriver
> set.   This provides the tools needed to trailer launch.  I also have a
> spark plug wrench, sail tape, gray tape, heavy needles and thread, spare
> pins, rings and anchor shackle, a couple lengths of spare line plus my
> anchor line, decent but low value binoculars, and a sailing knife.    I
> keep
> a cheap waterproof flashlight with strobe hanging in the cabin.   There is
> a
> boat hook and paddle under the cockpit seat, the PO had mounted galvanized
> cleats like people use to hang tools in the garage to the underside, and
> the
> lazarete bulkhead holds the other end.    Of course I have the required
> flares, extinguishers, flag, and air horn.  I do not have a second
> anchor.
> When loaded up for a vacation I add the hiking first aid kit (with skin
> stapler), a buck knife that doubles for meat, relevant charts (not
> waterproof, just printed from the gov bookcharts.   I just need to remember
> if shore should be on the left or right after all), a portable radio and an
> Ipad for navigation plus chargers.  I also rig a life line and have a
> couple
> single tether harnesses and use the compass that the PO mounted to a
> companionway splashboard for cruising.
> What has experience taught you to carry?
> Alex
> -----
> Alex Cole
> S/V Lark
> --
> Sent from: http://rhodes-22.1065344.n5.nabble.com/
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