[Rhodes22-list] Who Can Join The List?

Todd Tavares tavares0947 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 09:26:16 EST 2019

So can we start posting R 22s for sale ads on the list again then?

Todd T.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2019, 3:56 PM Peter Nyberg <peter at sunnybeeches.com> wrote:

> Recently, someone considering the purchase of a Rhodes 22 joined the list,
> posted a question, and got several responses.  This morning I got a private
> email from this person asking a follow up question.  But they also
> mentioned that they had been "scolded for using the forum since I haven't
> completed the sale and don't have a GB CoS”.  They then removed themselves
> from the list.
> I feel certain that the viewpoint that the list is only for people who
> currently own a Rhodes 22 and have purchased a Certificate of Support from
> General Boats is held by few members of the list, and perhaps only by one.
> But, since I became aware that this has happened (hopefully only once), I
> wanted to point out to anyone unaware that this list has a charter (
> http://www.rhodes22.org/list/index.html <
> http://www.rhodes22.org/list/index.html>), and that among other thing the
> charter states that "This list is open to everyone with an interest in
> Rhodes Sailboats”.
> If anyone thinks the charter should be changed, they can say so, and we
> can have a discussion.  In the meantime, whoever it is who is telling
> people that they are not welcome on the list should knock it off.
> I invited the person in question back to the list, but the purchase fell
> through so at the moment they’re not interested.  I assured them that they
> are welcome to return at any time.  I am intentionally not stating any
> specifics at their request.
> Peter Nyberg
> Coventry, CT
> s/v Silverheels (1988/2016)

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