[Rhodes22-list] Who Can Join The List?

Michael D. Weisner mweisner at ebsmed.com
Fri Nov 15 10:16:40 EST 2019

As far as I know, posting a for sale listing was never prohibited.  Even Stan can post boats for sale.


For convenience, I have reproduced the list charter here:


The Rhodes 22 Owner's Group Mailing List Charter


Welcome to the Rhodes 22 Owner's Group Mailing List. This list is open to everyone with an interest in Rhodes Sailboats. It is an automated email distribution list where messages addressed to the list are copied to every list member's mailbox. Traffic varies from one to 40 messages a day.


The list is maintained by rhodes22.org as a courtesy to Rhodes Sailboats Fans worldwide. It is hoped that the list will promote discussion about Rhodes Sailboats and provide members with a means of sharing their interests and experiences.


CHARTER: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org


The rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org group will be open to discussion of all subjects specifically referring to Rhodes sailboats or, Rhodes sailors. The focus of this group includes, but is not limited to:

* Encouraging the understanding and discussion of Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors, in the many ways people wish to define them.

* Acting as a source of information for Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors worldwide and for people planning to buy/sell/repair/learn about Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors.

* Providing a forum for the development and promotion Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors' culture, history, traditions and economy.

* Any other subject that might be found at a sailor's bar or the clubhouse bar, including, Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors' travels, events, family, jokes, quotations, pets, etc.

* The level of discussion does not have to be fit for a child, but some good taste is expected.


Binaries and Formatting:

Attaching images (tif, jpg, gif) to an email is acceptable. Our server will convert these to a web link



Please use mixed case when posting (Upper and lower case letters), typing words in uppercase means you are SHOUTING.



Place new material at the top of the post and quote what you are replying to below. That makes it simple to find out what is being said. You are encouraged to edit down the quoted material.


HTML mail:

A lot of the email programs (Netscape and Outlook among others) can send their email with embedded HTML. Embedded HTML can cause some of the list members to have trouble reading their mail due to "browser wars", not reading their mail with a web browser and double messages in digest mode. Members are encouraged to set their programs to send "plain text" email.


Subject Line:

Please set or change the subject line to reflect the true subject of the post. For example, "Subject: anchors" might be turned into "Subject: gas tank was anchors". If a joke (or any questionable material) is being posted please indicate it on the subject line. For example, "Subject: Monday's Humor (jokes)"



Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities are *not* appreciated; but we are sailors.......


Anonymous email:

It is expected that users will provide their name in the email and will sign same.  We like to know to whom we are talking.


Social Interaction/Manners:

To a certain extent, the interaction is about what you would expect in any informal social setting, for example, a bar.  It is recommended that you get to know people first and introduce yourself (about the same social rules that you would use to meet any new group of people). There is a high level of chitchat on the list, and what you might think is insulting to a group or region might only be people kidding each other after knowing each other for years.  As in any bar, the subjects of politics and religion can lead to heated augments and bar fights. These might be best avoided.


The need to participate:

It is recognized that a group is only whoever posts to it, no more and no less. We can only talk about what people post about. You earn respect on the list by your postings and trying to help each other, you cannot demand it. Most sailing topics we have talked about at one time or another already, we chit chat in the mean time, waiting to answer questions or for a new subject/story.  If you want to know something, please post it, the more detail the better. If someone is trying to help you please answer their reasonable questions. If you can help someone, again, post it. Try to repay the knowledge you may have gained.


Thank You,


The Members of the Rhodes 22 Owner's Group



s/v Wind Lass ('91)

Nissequogue River, NY



-----Original Message-----
From: Rhodes22-list <rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org> On Behalf Of Todd Tavares
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 9:26 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 Email List <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Who Can Join The List?


So can we start posting R 22s for sale ads on the list again then?



Todd T.


More information about the Rhodes22-list mailing list