[Rhodes22-list] Sea Kayaks, Paddling, & Camping Gear Recovered From Johnson Mini Storage!
Chris Geankoplis
chrisgeankoplis at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 12:49:43 EDT 2020
Roger, that is better than the landings and Inchon! I still an not sure
how you got past the rapids. Great job.
Chris Geankoplis
S?V Enosis
On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 12:09 PM ROGER PIHLAJA <Roger_Pihlaja at msn.com>
> Hi All,
> Last Saturday, my brother-in-law, Ken Mild drove up from Pennsylvania with
> his 12 ft LOA aluminum Jon boat. We drove over to a MDNR boat launch on
> the West Arm of Wixom Lake. With the lake level much lower than normal
> summer pool, the boat launch is closed. The 1st attached photo shows how
> much below the level of the launch ramps the water level is now. But, Ken
> and I were able to carry the lightweight Jon boat down the slope. We used
> my Minn Kota trolling motor to get back to the M-30 causeway, a 1-way
> distance of about ¾ mile. The 2nd attached photo shows the rapids under
> the blown out section of the M-30 causeway now. Obviously, this is not
> something you can safely navigate in a Jon boat with a trolling motor!
> But, I had scouted the site prior to this attempt and there was an eddy
> just upstream of the rapids. I was able to tuck the Jon boat into this
> eddy without getting sucked into the rapids. Then, we hiked about 300
> yards over to Johnson Mini Storage, gathered up two kayaks, paddling, and
> camping gear, and portaged it all back to the Jon boat. It took 3 trips to
> portage all this gear. The 3rd attached photo is Ken by the loaded Jon
> boat with the two kayaks all rigged for towing. We motored back to the
> MDNR launch site, hauled everything back up the hill, loaded the kayaks and
> gear into/on top of my minivan, and drove home. Mission accomplished! We
> started about 7:00 AM and were back home by 11:00 AM before the real heat
> of the day.
> So, now the SCUBA Shipwreck Diving and Pictured Rocks Sea Kayaking High
> Adventure Trips can really happen next month. Life is good!
> Roger Pihlaja
> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
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