[Rhodes22-list] Out Haul Car

Art Czerwonky a_czerwonky at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 31 21:35:05 EDT 2020

Maybe this is far-fetched, Charles, but there might be some space between the boom track 'slider' and the boomtop 'channel' to allow positioning a slick surface between the two, acting like a lubricant would. Post a picture of your metal outhaul piece and we could cogitate when convenient.  

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  On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 9:09 PM, Charles Nieman<blue66corvette at hotmail.com> wrote:   Since I don’t have a CoS, I can’t buy a replacement out haul car from GB (at any price, if I understand all that has been posted). 

The attached photo shows a very old car, mostly stainless steel if I’m not mistaken. While this is obviously very durable, the metal seemed to not slid very well in the boom. A few years ago, I made the car at the bottom out of (I think) nylon. This worked very well until last week. As I was bringing in the sail, the bottom portion split off. 

While I can bring back the old car for use. And I can fabricate another car like the nylon one. I’m wondering what the current design of out haul car is. Can anyone share what design they have on their boat, please?

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Charles Nieman
S/V Daydream 
98 R 22


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