[Rhodes22-list] Sailing into the wind

Ckelly cjkellygirls at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 08:55:56 EST 2020

I have a Rhoades 22 and have been having trouble when trying to sail close
into the wind.  The sail is full but instead of the boat going in the
direction I want it to go, often the boat is pushed sideways, or "lee helm"
away from the wind.  Is this poor design of the boat or some other issue
that has to do with adjusting the stays/mast/etc?  I have read that it can
be due to the mast being too far forward or it can be due to the design of
the boat.  Close hauled and tacking is very difficult when wind is 10mph +
and I have been having to motor.  Anyone else have this experience or
suggestions to correct?

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