[Rhodes22-list] Moving On

Shawn Boles shawn.sustain at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 19:31:26 EST 2020


No less than $15k.

s/v Sweet Baboo

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020, 3:28 PM James Schroll <jschroll at msn.com> wrote:

> In spite of really enjoying our Rhodes 22 for the last 5 years and
> appreciating the many clever design features that Stan has introduced, my
> wife and I find ourselves considering a lifestyle change which might
> preclude boat ownership.  Were we to decide to part with it, our first
> choice would be to see if Stan wanted it back for another refurbishing, but
> I haven’t gotten any answer to several emails which I have sent.  Do we
> know if he is okay?  Does anyone have a suggestion for contacting him?
> If that doesn’t work out (and, again, assuming that we decide against
> “just one more year”), how does one go about setting a fair price for a
> used boat?  A quick internet search turns up about dozen boats from 1983 to
> 2008 priced (not respectively) from$5,500 to $38,900.  Ours is a 1990,
> refurbished in early 2016.  It is in good condition (although it could use
> a wash and polish).  It has a 2016 trailer and a 2016 Yamaha 9.9 outboard.
> So, how do I set a price that is fair for both the buyer and me?
> I’d welcome any suggestions.
> Jim Schroll
> Pinafore

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