[Rhodes22-list] Learning New Things - Types of Line (Rope)
Mary Lou Troy
mtroy at atlanticbb.net
Mon Nov 15 21:38:34 EST 2021
We have an 8-plait rode on the Rosborough and absolutely love it as it
is so easy on the hands (I'm the manual wind-lass on our boat) and
because we have a rode locker on the Rossi, it is easily fitted down
through the pipe into the locker. (Is it a hawse pipe if it goes through
the deck rather than the bow?) I'm not sure about how it is spliced as
we bought it already spiced around a metal eye from Defender. In any
event it's great stuff.
Mary Lou
ex Rhodes 22
now Rosborough RF-246 Tara
Rock Hall, MD
On 11/15/2021 4:58 PM, Peter Nyberg wrote:
> I'm not sure of the source, but somewhere I developed the firm opinion that only 3-strand line should be used for anchor rodes and dock lines. Other types of lines, specifically double-braid, did not have enough stretch or elasticity for these applications.
> In reading posts on another forum (sorry), and doing a bit of research, I find that this firmly held opinion is quite incorrect.
> It seems there are double braided lines made specifically for anchor rodes and dock lines. There is also something sort of in between double-braided and 3-strand, called 8-plait, of which I was entirely unaware.
> One of the reasons this new information caught my attention is that both double-braid and 8-plaint are much more flexible than 3 strand, and will fall into an anchor rode locker (or bag) more easily.
> One of the short comings of my anchoring system, in which anchor rode is stored in bags in the aft corners of the lazaret, is that feeding the 3-strand rode down into the bags can sometimes be a somewhat fiddly process. A more flexible type of line would almost certainly improve things.
> For those unfamiliar with and curious about my anchor system, relevant YouTube videos can be found here: https://youtu.be/GheL7_fhpGo and here: https://youtu.be/VeL_3Ir0yQ4
> Peter Nyberg
> Coventry, CT
> s/v Silverheels (1988/2016)
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