[Rhodes22-list] Week 10 Rhodes in the Med

Jesse Shumaker jesse.laten.shumaker at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 09:33:12 EDT 2022

Chris, thanks for posting your recent adventures.  A lot of interesting
history as usual.  So sorry to hear about the diplomatic fiasco!  I hope
the recent medical stuff ends up OK and you can get back to cruising your
big boat soon.

Jesse Shumaker
S/V Zephyr

On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 4:12 PM Chris Geankoplis <chrisgeankoplis at gmail.com>

> Another, but rather short week involving only 3 islands, and the solution
> to not having to abandon the ship in Greece and insight on this trip.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NAk_0d26GHxOrLUOZRdbOlReI_2goobh/view?usp=sharing
> Chris & Alice
> Enosis

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