[Rhodes22-list] Curved Rudder | 84 Rhodes 22
C. Robert Lester
C.Robert.Lester at dartmouth.edu
Fri Nov 25 17:09:29 EST 2022
I'm the new owner of a rudder off an '82 R22.
Cannot wait to sail / race next sailing season.
Took some pics of my '84 Rudder (curved, black/red) and '82 Rudder (white) side by side.
The boats are only 2 years apart but the rudder heads as well as the rudders are not similar at all.
I was going to buy the '82 stern rail as well but that is even a different mount and size from my '84.
Comments, questions?
Thanks all,
> Bob:
> Can you post a picture of the rudder?
> I wonder if the rudder is curved or instead has "swollen" on one side due to water migration into the core - especially if the rudder has been exposed to freezing. When I rebuilt my rudder I found that there were large voids in it and undertook to fill them with epoxy. Removing any paint might show cracks and if so see if there is a pattern that shows the effect of internal pressure. Just a guess.
> Graham Stewart
> Agile. R22, 1976
> Kingston Ontario Canada
> From: C. Robert Lester [mailto:C.Robert.Lester at dartmouth.edu]
> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 11:06 AM
> To: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
> Subject: Curved Rudder | 84 Rhodes 22
> I have an 84 Rhodes 22, that came with a "slightly-curved" rudder? As you can imagine, when under power this applies a slight port steer. As interested as I am in what would have caused this slight curve to the rudder, I am more interested in repairing/replacing this issue.
> Thanks in advance for your thoughts / suggestions.
> Bob
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