[Rhodes22-list] Running light stopped working

Matt Wilson mwhornblower at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 14:20:21 EST 2023

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry to reach out again with another project.  Can you tell I have the
week off and am trying tio get an idea of how to fix a few things?

At the beginning of the season my portside running light suddenly stopped
working.  Now that I have been able to check it, continuity is broken.  I
have traced it from the box to under the settee but not sure what to do

Is there a likely point that tends to fail?

Is there a schematic of that system?

Is it possible to pull the light fixture out, check the connection and or
fish a new wire?

I am grateful for you veterans on this list willing to answer basic
questions...thanks for your patience,
Matt Wilson
Hornblower II
White Bear Lake, MN

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