[Rhodes22-list] Sad news

Melvyn Rothbard melrothbard at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 19 18:51:23 EDT 2024

So sorry to hear the news of Stan's passing.  He touched so many with his knowledge and humor.  His monument that will last for generations is the Rhodes 22.  One can only hope that his legacy lives on.
Mel Rothbard
Melvyn H. Rothbard Attorney at Law Suite 3C 23 South 23rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215 901 2258 Fax: 215 656 0993 melrothbard at yahoo.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The information and/or documents included in or accompanying this transmission contain(s) confidential information belonging to the sender which is legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it was sent as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e mail in error, please delete this message and immediately notify us by replying to this e mail or telephoning us at 215 901 2258. 

    On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 04:13:06 PM EDT, Cindy Spitzer <cindyspitzer at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Stanley Spitzer – the creator and relentless innovator of the Rhodes 22
sailboat; the inventor of the earlier Picnic 17; the love of Rose Spitzer’s
life for more than 70 years; father of Cindy, Scott, and Skip Spitzer; dear
brother of Elton Spitzer (also a legend in his time); the impossibly
precocious first born of Harold and Gertrude Spitzer; the Purdue University
trained electrical engineer, self-taught Madison Avenue copywriter,
management consultant, wire recorder salesman, and builder of mid-century
homes so unconventional he had to go to court to defend his roof lines; the
98-year-old World War II Navy veteran; the perpetually young risk-taker who
never saw a mountain too tall or a dream too distant; the skinny can-do kid
from Brooklyn who dragged a sunken sailboat out of Sheepshead Bay and
thought he would live forever – has died.

Every person is a universe.  A solar system of friends, relatives, and
countless people we touch in countless way, often without fully knowing who
or how much.

And every death is a universe imploding.  A world and all its stories
suddenly gone.

No words can capture a person’s life.  Just know that if you are reading
this right now, that means you – the full, evolving universe of you –
intersected with Stan in some way and left your mark.  As he certainly left
his on us.

Goodbye, daddy.

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