[Rhodes22-list] How does my mast jack work?

Kenwood _ kenwood364 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 17:30:51 EDT 2024

Wow! Im impressed you were able to figure all that out with one look. I do
not have a block on the bow BUT.. now that i think about it, there are two
slots in the top of my mast. It always confused me a bit, I wasn't sure why
i would need to run two halyards.. but If it works the way you estimated,
then perhaps one of those blocks, the one that dosn't hold the sail up. Is
intended to be used as you describe. How strange! I'll take more pictures
when i get home, and maybe sketch out a plan.

Ive seen a lot of ginpoles like the one that you describe you have, if i
have an early one. Maybe i can reconfigure it to work more like yours? Ive
asked around on like r/sailing and other places and nobody has any idea
what im talking about.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 4:41 PM ROGER PIHLAJA <roger_pihlaja at msn.com> wrote:

> Hi Kenwood,
> The male pin and tabernacle in the picture looks like it’s designed to
> plug into the cockpit socket for the galley table.  The guy lines look like
> they would attach to the stern cleats and the winches port and starboard
> and would hold the gin pole vertical.  Do you have a block that attaches to
> the forestay?  It looks like you would run a halyard to the block on the
> bow forestay, then back to the block on the end of the gin pole, and down
> to the winch.
> This is very different from the mast raising system on my boat.  On my
> boat, the base of the gin pole attaches to a fitting on the leading edge of
> the cabin roof.  The forward lower side stays are attached to the gin pole
> near the upper end.  The winch line on the gin pole runs to the bow cleat.
> To step the mast, the gin pole starts vertical and pivots downward from its
> base towards the bow as the mast is winched upward.
> Stan went thru a number of different versions of the mast stepping
> system.  You must have an early version.
> Never having used your system, I can’t comment on how well it works.  I
> think I have the newest version and it works pretty well.
> Roger Pihlaja
> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
> 1978. Sanford, MI
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jun 29, 2024, at 2:39 PM, Kenwood _ <kenwood364 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > All the reading I've done online talks about a ginpole but... Mine
> doesn't
> > rly look like that? It has a socket and foot that looks like it's.meant
> to
> > socket into the cockpit. I don't understand! I was planning on
> dismantling
> > the whole thing and turning it into a ginpole by removing the foot and
> > adding a rubber plate. What do you all think though? Is this simpler to
> use
> > than I think?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
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