[Rhodes22-list] Drilling into Fiberglass

ROGER PIHLAJA roger_pihlaja at msn.com
Fri May 3 16:47:28 EDT 2024

Hi Peter,

Assuming you can get at the back side of the hole, the best practice is to drill a small pilot hole thru first.  Then, drill the final hole diameter, starting on the interior and drill about halfway thru.  Finally, finish the hole from the outside.  Use a sharp spiral bit and don’t use a wood boring spade bit.

Roger Pihlaja
S/V Dynamic Equilibrium 
1978 Sanford, MI

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 3, 2024, at 4:25 PM, peter beckerman via Rhodes22-list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org> wrote:
>  Hi All,   I haven't gotten any real experience working with fiberglass and need to drill a hole into my cabin top.Is there anything special I should be aware of to avoid chips or cracks?  Any preferred type of drill bit (besides sharp)?  Better to run the bit fast or slow?
> Thanks,Peter

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