[Rhodes22-list] Fandango

Steve Alm rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 15:15:22 -0500


The Island Packets sure look good to me too!  Now, if it were the
Flintstones, I might go for that :-)


On 8/23/02 4:10 PM, "Pamela Vana" <pvana@coastalnet.com> wrote:

> Steve,
> We can certainly understand your desire to re-name your beloved boat.
> Our new boat came to us as 'Floating Stone', which soon became
> 'Kizmet'.  Guess the prior owners' last name was Stone, but still think
> the name very unflattering for our beautiful Island Packet (just ask
> Rummy . . .  he REALLY likes our new boat!).  Anyway, Alex has joked
> that the prior owners decided to buy an RV to tour the country by land,
> and named it 'Rolling Stone'.  Who knows?
> Regards, Pamela
> Steve Alm wrote:
> . . .  First of all, the name Amethyst was something that we all agreed
> had to go.  We didn't want our boat to be the name of a rock that
> sinks.
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