[Rhodes22-list] Cell Phone Issues
brad haslett
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:14:04 -0800 (PST)
We're in the process of shopping for a new cell phone
server. Sprint PCS has turned out to be an expensive
"beeper" service. We live 1.3 miles from the nearest
Sprint antenna but the phones don't work from our
home. I can't call home from downtown Philly,
Portland, LAX area, the list goes on and on. My
friends call me and hang up knowing that I'll find a
payphone and use the caller ID to figure who to call
back. Enough! We get a company discount on Verizon
and AT&T. What's your experience with these services?
Second question: Has anyone hooked up their cell
phones to the boats VHF mast antenna? The marine
catalogs list cell phone antennas that look simular to
a standard VHF one. Every service I've looked at show
a blank area in the Pickwick Lake area. The "no
service" band is narrow and follows the TN river so
I'm wondering if an elevated antenna might help. I'd
like to just leave the phone behind but that won't
always be possible.
PS: MJM, I promise not to talk on the phone during
Brad Haslett
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