[Rhodes22-list] surveying
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 08:39:20 -0500
While Stan's recycle program is not an independent marine survey,
it offers benefits. Hull integrity is single most important part of a
marine survey of a boat. After Stan recycles a boat, he guarantees the
hull. He publishes that guarantee so boldly, that if a recycle boat
failed during the guarantee period and he didn't make good, he would be
in deep do do.
Whereas, a marine survey reports the boats condition and defects,
it does not guarantee against failure after 30 or 60 days. This is why
you have to pay Stan a little more for a recycled boat than a similar
boat on the market.
Stan is sticking his (General Boat's) neck out on offering that
guarantee, but since he has a shop capable of repairs, the shop is his
self insurance.
Why wait a year or two to buy, sailboat prices are at bottom now.
The buyer has leverage today. Finance the dam thing and go sailing
while you have good health.
Ed K