[Rhodes22-list] Picture of heavy weather sail adjustments
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 09:48:34 -0800 (PST)
Excellent analysis, Roger. Right on all counts. My
main does have a 2nd set of reef points but I wasn't
trying for maximun speed. I didn't even bouther to
run the genona sheets inside the upper shrounds. Just
flaten it fairly good. It was just a 25k wind day
and Marilyn & I were out having some fun. So you had
to mention the fenders:-)No I did not bouther to stol
them away as I should have. Beside, note I'm on the
lee side drinking a beer:-) A man must have
priorties. I did put Marilyn on the windard side:-)
I get extra points for that:-) It was a fun sail that
day and some friends of mine that were anchored in
Goat Cove took the pictures. They would not pull up
anchors and sail that day. I think there excuse had
something to do with the wind; sounded lame to me:-)
--- Roger Pihlaja <cen09402@centurytel.net> wrote:
> Steve,
> I just took a look at the picture. Great shot man,
> who took it?
> Your mainsail shape & trim looks pretty good. Your
> forestay sag is
> negligible. The rest of the standing rigging seems
> to tuned about right.
> Your fore/aft genoa sheet lead position looks pretty
> good. But, it looks
> like your genoa could be trimmed in harder if you
> were trying for maximum
> pointing. If you were going for power, then it
> looks about right. The
> water looks pretty flat to be setup for power, but
> maybe you were
> accelerating out of a tack. Judging from the US
> flag on your stern, you
> were pointing pretty high. The genoa's sailshape is
> much too rounded, with
> the point of maximum draft too far aft for maximum
> pointing efficiency.
> But, the sailshape is about as good as is possible
> with a roller furled
> genoa furled up that much. I imagine the upwind
> steering groove is pretty
> narrow & unforgiving with a genoa sailshape like
> that.
> Personally, I like to put another reef in the
> mainsail & fly more genoa
> under these conditions & point of sail. It looks
> like you are running with
> 5-7 deg of weather helm on the rudder. While this
> amount of weather helm
> was probably not uncomfortable, it does add drag &
> slow you down
> unnecessarily. Reefing down the mainsail & flying
> more genoa will get rid
> of all or almost all of the weather helm. In
> addition, reefing the genoa
> less will enable your foresail shape to be
> dramatically better. Does your
> mainsail have a 2nd or even a 3rd set of reef
> points? If not, then consider
> installing the reef points on the sail & the
> necessary equipment on the
> boom. It's not an expensive upgrade & you will be
> surprised at the
> improvement.
> What are you dragging in the water on the port side
> of the boat about
> amidships? Fenders?
> You could have been going much faster & heeling less
> if you lowered your pop
> top hatch and moved the mainsail's gooseneck down to
> the lower position
> under these conditions. The pop top hatch is all
> heeling and drag & no
> thrust in the raised position on a close hauled
> point of sail. The genoa
> sail trimmer & helmsman will also be able to see the
> telltales much better
> with the pop top hatch out of the way.
> I can also tell from the shape of your bow & stern
> wakes and the attitude of
> your boat in the water that you could be going
> faster if your crew moved
> forward to the front of the cockpit & were all up on
> the windward gunnel.
> Watch your knotmeter as you shift the crew weight
> forward & to windward.
> You will suddenly see it jump up 1 - 2 knots as you
> begin to plane.
> Roger Pihlaja
> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kroposki" <kroposki@innova.net>
> To: "'The Rhodes 22 mail list'"
> <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 11:09 AM
> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Picture of heavy weather
> sail adjustments
> > Steve,
> > Thank you for the picture:
> >
> > 5.bin ).
> > Demonstrates several points clearly.
> >
> > Ed K
> >
> >
> >
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