[Rhodes22-list] Question, Solar panel regulator.

Alex Bell alexbell@coastalnet.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 10:33:39 -0500


You also corrected another problem. Mismatched size batteries can create
a problem in that one battery is always in conflict with the other and
one will tend to drain the other. I think I found that info in West
Marine advisor or Nigel Caulders's book or another electrical book for
boats. Anyway, since one battery has more capacity, it follows that
there will be uneven supply and demand both on load and charge cycle and
one battery will get short changed. Or is that charged?

By replacing both batteries with exact match batteries, you will have a
much more stable battery life expectancy. Interstate batteries are good.
and deep cycle even better. Life should be good with your electrical
load. Unless you decide to plug in some refrigeration to keep up with
Rummy's drinking capacity. 

So you went sailing and drinking...... gee. Was Rummy a part of the


Bob Keller wrote:
> Alex,
> You are so right.  As Rummy suspected, once we traced the rat's nest wiring
> job done at GB, we found a blue wire labeled "solar."  (Could have saved 30
> minutes if we had seen that sooner.)  Anyway, my batteries and panels are
> wired in series, so both panels charge both batteries and both batteries
> work together and cannot be isolated from each other.  That made it fairly
> easy to tie in the regulator to both batteries and both panels.  Next, I did
> not buy the $42 Costco batteries that I really wanted and let Rummy convince
> me that the $75 Interstate batteries were the way to go.  Bought two new
> ones and am now topping off the charge on them as I watch Fear Factor.  I
> think the next episode they should have to rewire my boat.
> The regulator appears to work because we covered the panels and the charge
> light went off.  Will see if the other light goes on when the batteries are
> at full charge.  Hopefully the problem is fixed now with this regulator.  I
> shrunk the size of the batteries in this process as I had a Group 31 & 27
> and now have two group 24 deep cycle batteries.   Should be more than enough
> for instruments, lights and stereo.
> Sailed a little today on Hartwell, but the wind died so we motored and drank
> (not necessarily in that order).
> Bob K