[Rhodes22-list] Trailer Jacks
Steve Alm
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:37:31 -0500
Yes, jacks on both sides. When they're up, they swing to the side just like
the tongue jack. They work great! In addition to stabilizing the trailer
when on the hard, they also help when I'm launching/hauling out. I get the
trailer ready on the ramp, chock the tires and deploy all three jacks. Then
I disconnect the vehicle and extend the tongue extension. Then I reconnect,
remove chocks, unjack and I'm ready. I've tried to pull out the tongue ext.
without disconnecting--that is, pulling the pins and driving the car
forward. This was nearly a disaster. My new procedure above takes a little
more time but it's safe and controlled.
The rear jacks are exactly the same as the tongue jack. They're just
bolted/clamped on to the trailer. You could just pick up a pair of tongue
jacks and put 'em on. I would think this would be an easy modification to
any trailer and I highly recommend doing it.
On 7/24/02 7:29 AM, "R22RumRunner@aol.com" <R22RumRunner@aol.com> wrote:
> Slim,
> Great looking boat. I like the trailer jack on the back end. I usually just
> use automotive jack stands, but I like yours a lot better. Is there another
> one on the other side?
> Rummy
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