[Rhodes22-list] Desktop Picture
Alex Bell
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 14:17:40 -0400
I think you should stop with further introductions in the logical order
of things. Next thing you know it'll come out as your future ex-wife and
that'll cost you.
Get the pop to enclosure. It will open up the cabin for overnight
sleeping like you can't believe. We store things overinight on the
cabintop (which is inside the enclosure) and that clears away the
clutter. If it rains, you drop the window enclosures and everything
stays dry. If you have a bimini, you can bring it forward to shelter the
companionway opening so it can stay open even if it rains. Costly, but
very useful if you are going to use the boat for overnights.
Steve Alm wrote:
> Sorry Doug. I shouldn't have assumed anything about Robin. My wife, Mary
> Ann, does indeed command a certain amount of authority but her job as galley
> slave is self appointed...her words, not mine. The truth is more like
> "Galley Commander." She tells me when and where to anchor for lunch and I
> obey if I want to be fed. She's a great cook and always prepares wonderful
> meals on the boat. Since we have a front loading ice box on the starboard
> side, she tells me when we have to tack for food and beverages. If we're on
> a starboard tack, she can't open the cooler or everything will tumble out.
> :-) Whenever we're discussing plans for any trip, I'm thinking about the
> sailing and her thoughts always go to the menu. She says things like, "Oh,
> if we go there then that would be perfect for hot lentil soup, bokchoy salad
> and BLT's." If we change plans in our destination, she has to change the
> menu and sometimes overrules the changes. ;-) We were just talking about
> buying a pop top encl. She immediately said, "That would extend our sailing
> season because then we could have nice warm meals late in the fall, like
> some nice, hot chilli. Doesn't that sound good on a cool fall day?"
> Sometimes I introduce her to others as my first mate. Sometimes I introduce
> her as my first wife. ;-) I'm really a lucky man and she knows it!
> Slim