[Rhodes22-list] thunderstorms and lightning

brad haslett flybrad@yahoo.com
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 06:31:17 -0800 (PST)

Here is another article about lightning strikes from
the University of Florida (attached as a pdf file). It
discusses the best methods to "ride out a storm". Take
a look at www.strikeshield.com.  They have a portable
mast grounding system that can be attached quickly in
the advent of being caught in a potential lightning
strike situation.  It seems rather expensive but I
think an effective "home grown" version could be
developed rather easily.  I have no experience with
sailboats and thunderstorms but after thirty years of
flying I assure you I have a healthy respect for them.
 Thunderstorm microbursts can bring down 600,000 pound
airplanes (Delta - DFW - 1985) so I can't imagine what
havoc it could wreak on a 22ft sailboat.  Some of that
old Boy Scout is starting to come out in me, "Be Prepared!"

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