jokes(son of joke provider did some writing, looks alot like last
weeks debate)
Michael Meltzer
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 14:07:21 -0500
(Mumf note: this editorial from a UConn publication so
mirrors my point of view, that I could've written it
myself -- definitely worth a read!)
Cultural centers propagating, not ending racism
By Josh Levinson
"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it,
I know I can achieve it."
This quote, by the esteemed Reverend Jesse Jackson, can be
found on the African American Cultural Center's homepage.
What I find puzzling is the fact that the AACC would want
to put up an "inspirational" quote from a minister who's
openly admitted to having an illegitimate child. Why on
Earth would you want to be associated with such hypocrisy?
Of course, that's not all the AACC does to puzzle people
these days. Under the guise of a cultural center, they've
managed to hold such pointless activities as "Mr. and Ms.
Black UConn."
On the AACC's web page, they claim that the contest is "a
fun-filled competition for UConn's African American men
and women maintaining a G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher. The event
is held during Black History Month and consists of a
talent segment, casual wear, evening wear and a question
and answer period. Everyone is encouraged to participate."
First of all, by "African American," they mean black. Do
not confuse these two terms. For instance, if I had
immigrated from Africa yet had the unfortunate coincidence
of being white, I would not be allowed to participate.
In fact, the problem with this activity is that it is
based entirely upon the color of your skin. If you're
black, you're in. If not, you're not allowed. Now let's
say that I were to start a contest here on campus called
"Mr. and Ms. White UConn." Out of curiosity, how many
people do you think would protest this?
The simple fact that you belong to a minority should not
entitle you to be racist and get away with it. The AACC
should no more be allowed to base entries upon the color
of their skin then anything else.
Worse yet, as far as I could tell, the AACC was meant to
be some sort of celebration of culture and diversity (and
what better way to celebrate being different than by
segregating yourselves?). Yet what in Allah's name does
Mr. and Ms. Black UConn have to do with anything?
Last I checked, the University of Connecticut was known as
an "educational" institution. I don't have a problem
paying my money (in the form of my fee bill) to cultural
centers that explore the past and celebrate the future. I
don't have a problem funding clubs that allow people to
express themselves (like the Daily Campus).
I do, however, have a problem when the AACC wastes my time
and money with a pageant to pick the most attractive black
person on this campus. I fail to see how this constitutes
a educational activity. I understand that some contestants
talked about the African American culture (again, they
mean BLACK, NOT African American).
In order to level the playing field, I've decided that I
will be creating a new cultural center: The European
American Cultural Center. We will hold such amazing
contests as Mr. and Ms. White UConn and White History
Month (how does March sound to you?).
Plus, we can all sit around and talk about how much it
sucks being a white male. You don't get any special
treatment. You don't get any special scholarships. You
don't even get a day dedicated to your history. You just
get a sexual harassment lawsuit every time you try to talk
to a girl.
Of course, if you're black, you can't possibly expect me
to let you join and celebrate MY culture.
I know what you're thinking: what about that chick from
the Real World: London who was European AND black? Well
she's definitely not white, so I'm going to have to say no
to that one.
But wait a second - if I turn her away because of the
color of her skin, doesn't that qualify as racist?
Yes, but only because I'm white. In reality, it's no more
or less racist than the African American Cultural Center
(which, from what I've gathered, should be called the
Black Americans Cultural Center).
Hey, speaking of hypocritical racism, why don't we instill
a new policy here like at the University of Michigan?
Except that we'll add an extra 20 points to all white
applicants' scores so they have a better chance of getting
in. After all, it's not fair that some white people have
to grow up in urban environments but don't get any of the
extra points that black people do.
So, in conclusion, I'd like to say that I have finally
found a way to end racism: I will be completely and
utterly racist. When I meet someone with a different color
skin than I have, I will make a point to make them feel
different than me. That way, they'll know that we're
Now I leave you with a different kind of quote: "Until you
become really, in actual fact, a brother to every one,
brotherhood will not come to pass."
That one was written by a white guy named Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
- from Aaron Mumford