[Rhodes22-list] Sailing questions
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 08:32:40 -0800 (PST)
On retriving the anchor, pull in all the scope while
at the bow. The boats'bow will move over, by you
pulling on the scope, to be situated over the anchor.
Generally, at this point, a hard pull from the bow
when directly over the anchor will get it to release.
If not, tie line off at bow and then use the motor to
run over it. This allows more of the weight of the
boat to assist.
In strong wind, anytime you change headings, you'll
need to adjust sheet lead position. Sails need be
flat when going to windard. Also, just because you're
heeling more, doesn't mean that you want to release
your jib sheet to early in the tack. Keep the
headsail pulling.
--- CHIMNEY18@aol.com wrote:
> At the risk of interrupting the recent threads on
> war, politics, welfare,
> etc. the cold weather has caused me to reflect on
> various experiences last
> summer that clearly tell me I have yet to graduate
> from newbie status, I
> thought I would solicit guidance from the group.
> Anchoring - I finally worked up the courage one day
> to practice anchoring -
> one of my hidden anxieties - while singlehandling.
> Dropping and securing
> the anchor was not a problem. I threw the anchor
> out from the cockpit,
> walked it forward, let out sufficient scope while
> the boat backed up in the
> wind, and secured the line on the bow cleat when I
> was satisfied the anchor
> was secure. I had lunch and read a little while
> watching for drift, which
> didn't occur. Retrieving the anchor was more
> problematic. I released the
> line from the bow cleat, walked back to the cockpit,
> motored up and hauled in
> the line until I guessed I was pretty much over the
> anchor, and began to haul
> it up. I found it was very difficult to do,
> difficult to keep the boat in
> place, and needed at least a couple of more arms to
> handle the tiller, motor,
> anchor,etc. It seems to me I obviously went astray
> somewhere but I'm not
> sure where. I am need of at least some helpful
> hints and maybe serious
> instruction.
> Jibsheets inside the stays - Two summers ago - my
> first with the boat - I
> found myself having a lot of difficulty heading up
> when in a stiff wind with
> the jib partly furled. It was suggested that,
> among other things, I try
> moving the sheets to one of the inward positions.
> This past summer I did
> just that and found that I indeed was able to point
> somewhat better. I
> also found, however, that unless I was sailing
> closehauled, the jib sheet was
> hard against the outer sidestay. I didn't see how
> to avoid that unless I
> kept re-running the sheets every time I changed my
> point of sail, which
> didn't, and still doesn't seem very practical to me.
> Again, what am I
> missing here?
> Spinnaker blocks - Someone - I think it was Jay -
> just asked this question -
> but I need a more detailed answer - or at least
> pictures. I have a harken
> furler (which I love, by the way) which uses the
> third sheave on the masthead
> block and am confused as to where and how to install
> the necessary additional
> blocks for a spinnaker (or UPS) halyard and topping
> lift for the
> spinnaker/whisker pole. As I recall Roger's
> posting in the Q&A, he made his
> own masthead block. That is probably not in the
> cards for me. Can someone
> give me some guidance as to what to order and how to
> install an appropriate
> masthead?
> Thanks in advance for all your help and advice.
> Feel free to change the
> subject heading to one specific to the topic.
> Bruce Greenwald
> S/V Ruach II
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