[Rhodes22-list] Soap Boxes
Steve Alm
salm at mn.rr.com
Tue May 27 17:57:36 EDT 2003
O Great Rum One,
Wiser words may never have been spoken, but remember that it's "politics at
usual" that prevent us from enjoying those Cuban cigars/baseball players.
Viva Cuba!
On 5/27/03 3:54 PM, "John Tonjes" <johntonjes at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I for one, don't have ANY political leanings. I usually just hit the delete
> button and move on to more important things.....like drinking.
> Rummy
>> [Original Message]
>> From: Steve Alm <salm at mn.rr.com>
>> To: Rhodes <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>> Date: 5/27/2003 3:29:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Soap Boxes
>> Hey Bill,
>> Remember that if the boat leans to the left, it's because you're on the
>> starboard tack... I have no idea what I mean by that but it sounds
> profound.
>> 8-) 8-)
>> Please feel free to post your own soap boxing. But if you use
> inflammatory
>> rhetoric such as "conservative claptrap" you're sinking to their level and
>> should expect more starboard cannon fire.
>> We who sit on the port rail are in the good company of most of the
> nation's
>> great thinkers who occupy most of the professorship positions at the
>> colleges and universities in this great country of ours, so take heart and
>> let fly! Don't let that mean old Brad get your goat--don't get mad, get
>> even! 8-)
>> What the republican party needs, for example, is just ONE good poet--the
>> poor suckers don't have any. The great Minnesota thinker, Garrison
> Keilor,
>> has volunteered. 8-)
>> Roses are red, violet are blue,
>> Don't quit the list, Bill,
>> Lots of us think like you.
>> Slim
>> On 5/27/03 2:19 PM, "Bill Berner" <bberner at optonline.net> wrote:
>>> I've been prompted to write by Brad's last couple of posts, especially
>>> "Rumsfeld apologizes"
>>> I started in to write a suggestion that the list charter be modified to
> ask
>>> that members be refrain from soap boxing their political positions.
>>> Then I realized that it would be asking for the group to curtail
> Freedom of
>>> Speech.
>>> So, I'm left with a conundrum.
>>> I am personally sick and tired of the inflammatory conservative claptrap
>>> that shows up here. It's isn't always the substance that irks me so
> much,
>>> but the belligerance, sarcasm and school yard bullying quality of so
> many of
>>> the posts. I have rarely seen any acknowledgement that issues can be
>>> multifaceted and complicated.
>>> Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like all of the cannon fire comes from the
>>> starboard side, and I'm pretty tired of it.
>>> Chances are that I'll have to quit the list to resolve the issue, not a
>>> choice I easily make. There has been some good company here, and lot's
> of
>>> good information.
>>> Curious to see responses, then I'll shut up and make a decision.
>>> Bill Berner
>>> 191 South Broadway
>>> Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706
>>> v 914 478 2896
>>> f 914 478 3856
>>> e BBerner at optonline.net
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of brad haslett
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:37 PM
>>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Rumsfeld Apologizes
>>> May 26, 2003
>>> Rumsfeld Apologizes for Hyping Saddam Threat
>>> (2003-05-26) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
>>> Rumsfeld apologized to Senate Democrats today for
>>> pre-war "hyping" of the threat posed by Saddam
>>> Hussein's regime.
>>> "I'm sorry Senators Biden, Rockefeller, Byrd, Roberts
>>> and others," said a contrite Mr. Rumsfeld. "We
>>> overestimated the threat posed by a lunatic dictator,
>>> who hated the U.S. and Israel, and who paid rewards to
>>> families of Palestinian terrorists. In an age when two
>>> of the world's tallest buildings can be brought down
>>> with tools used by the stockboy at K-Mart, we should
>>> have demanded more concrete evidence of exotic weapons
>>> of mass destruction. Saddam was helpless as a kitten
>>> up a tree."
>>> Sen. Rockefeller, D-WV, said Congress must determine
>>> whether the administration "intentionally
>>> overestimated" Iraq's weapons program, or "just
>>> misread it. ... In either case it's a very bad
>>> outcome."
>>> Mr. Rumsfeld agreed, "What an awful outcome. We deeply
>>> regret freeing the Iraqi people from a murderous gang
>>> of thugs masquerading in the United Nations as a
>>> representative republic. We're sorry that the Iraqi
>>> people have discovered thousands of graves of their
>>> Saddam-murdered relatives. It's none of our business
>>> if people want to live like that."
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