[Rhodes22-list] Jerry's leak another possibility

Mary Lou Troy mltroy at netreach.net
Thu Nov 6 07:50:13 EST 2003

A couple of other possibilities come to mind. One is the chainplates for 
the shrouds. Another is that if the water is appearing after a sail it may 
be water that moved from one  (less accessible) place to another (more 
accessible) place as the boat heeled. Leaks are pain to trace but a dry 
boat is really nice. Fretless has her ups and downs in this department.

Mary Lou

At 06:38 AM 11/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>My money is on a leak around a side port. They are hard to detect, especially
>in the galley area. The rub rail is also suspect after your comments about
>finding new water after a day of sailing. The amount of water you are 
>finding is
>very small, but will make it harder to find than a full blown out leak.
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