[Rhodes22-list] Politics Geraldo Rivera reports
Bill Effros
bill at effros.com
Thu Apr 1 10:45:45 EST 2004
Keep those sites coming! They're very helpful. While we're at it, please note the Bushies have changed the meaning of "Killed in Action". If a soldier is hiding under a truck while being fired upon and the truck topples over on him and kills him, that used to be counted as "Killed in Action". Now that is classified as an accident, not a combat death. Watch for it, and you'll see all sorts of classifications of deaths that we didn't make in previous wars.
Did you post this one on this list previously?:
Bill Effros
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Kaynor
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Rhodes22-list] Politics Geraldo Rivera reports
"Think about it, if Clinton would have done what Bush did, 3,000 people
would be alive now. You can't argue with that."
See http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ - I guess you must have meant "American
people". And who knows what would have happened if Clinton had done what
Bush did? It could have incited even higher levels of anti-Americanism and
more terrorist acts.
And I love this sentiment - "If they act up, well stomp on them." I wonder
why some of them don't like us?
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org]On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:49 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics Geraldo Rivera reports
Let me help you with your answer below. I know you
Liberal are out there but you really need to stop
hating Bush and analyze the facts.
The US needed a contractor, if not Halliburton, then
WHO? Halliburton is one of the biggest company in the
world, operating in countries with offices all over
the world. The US can't contract with Billy Bob
Democrate if they are not big enough to handle the
job. Halliburton is hugh. All contractor have audit
problems. Trust me, I work for the government; all
contractors get audit findings and when the auditors
find something; the problem is corected. Its normal
whether the contractor is Democrate or Republican.
The US is safer; much safer. Remember, since 9/11, we
haven't been hit on our own soil. Yes, thier hitting
us oversea, Irag but thier hitting the military, NOT
citizens. We are keeping them pin down over there,
oversea. This is the smart things to do. Remember,
Clinton had 8 years, they attached the twin towers,
Our foreign embassies, the USS Cole and all Clinton
did was lob a few bombs at them. Think about it, if
Clinton would have done what Bush did, 3,000 people
would be alive now. You can't argue with that.
As for oil prices, This country has plenty of oil. If
democrate would stop fighting and let the US pump its
own oil, then gas would be under a $1 a gallon. You
can't blame that on Bush. Remember, up in Alaski
where only anamil is a polar bear & nothing else -
think about it - why don't we pump that out & use it.
Its the Democrate that stop that. Funny thing is that
the people in Alaski wanted the business up there. Go
As for US relation, remember we are the lone Super
Power, sometimes everbody is not going to like us.
Do we stop pushing our values, our fight for freedom
around the world, for rights for Women & children.
You would think that these are Democrate values.
Whats up with that? Besides screw the French &
Germans, France couldn't wipe its way out of a wet
paper bag & Germany - well, we have wipe them before &
we can do it again if they don't like what we are
doing. That why we keep Militery Bases in Germany &
Japan. If they act up, well stomp on them. You all
should know this stuff- Remember - Freedom is NOT
Free!!!!!! And War is ulgy!!! Its always best to
fight on some other country soil.
As for the economy, Clinton lived off Reagon & Bush
Sr. economy policies & cut the CIA, FBI & military
budgets to make that surplus. Bush Jr. will fix the
mess that Clinton made. YOu should be thanking Bush.
If you analyze economice over the last decade, you
would know this. LIke I said, you got to stop hating
Bush and analyze these things. I don't hate Clinton,
you a good old country boy who liked to party. He
party here in Arkansas, raise taxes, grew government
out of control, our supress court rule that our
Education system was unconstitutional. Now you would
think with Clinton saying he was the Education
President, why did he leave Arkansas in such a mess.
O'well, this is a waste of my time. Folks you have to
analyze things for what they are, leave personal
feeling out of it. Do what best for our country!!!!
--- Steve Alm <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
> Is Halliburton making a fortune? Yes! Has this
> stabilized the middle east?
> No! Has it made the US safer? No! Has it had a
> positive effect on gas
> prices? Yes, if you're an oil company. Has Bush
> spent his way to the
> highest deficit in history? Yes! Has it led to
> better US relations with
> ANY other country in the world? Yes, if you're
> Israel. Has this
> administration become a Fascist regime? Yes!
> (Fascism: When government is
> in bed with industry, when civil rights are taken
> away and the rule is by
> intimidation, threat and fear.) Is the war on
> terrorism best fought in Iraq
> (no connection to 9/11, but over 150,000 troops) or
> Afghanistan (confirmed
> connection to 9/11, but only 11,000 troops?) And
> speaking of connections to
> 9/11, why do we have this cozy relationship with
> Saudi Arabia? Could it
> be...um...the oil? Is it not the real Taliban
> training ground? Most of the
> hijackers were Saudis, Osama's a Saudi. Hello????
> One week after 9/11,
> anyone with a Saudi passport was allowed into the
> US. Egyptian--No!
> Iranian--No! Moroccan--No! French--Kiss My Ass!
> Oh, but Saudis--no
> problem. Bring money!
> And does all this take Americans' minds off the
> domestic problems that Bush
> has worsened? He wishes!!!
> So I guess Geraldo didn't see the news today (Wed)
> from Fallujah, huh? I'm
> referring to the nine Americans killed in a raid
> where Iraqis dragged the
> burned and mutilated bodies behind cars and hung
> them up on a bridge. How's
> he gonna sugar-coat that one? Is THAT simply
> leftist reporting? A couple
> weeks ago Peter Jennings from ABC (Steve, some say
> ABC is too liberal, some
> say it's not liberal enough--but nobody says it's
> conservative) was on
> location in Iraq reporting on the state of affairs
> one year after the
> invasion. There was plenty of positive news, but to
> suggest that the Dems
> are "nitpicking" for reporting stories like this one
> from Fallujah is
> absurd. C' mon! Consider the source. Geraldo
> Rivera???!!! I'll take Al
> Franken's word over Geraldo's any day. Hell, I'd
> even take Rush Limbaugh's
> word over Geraldo's.
> But my real hero these days is Richard
> Clarke--tellin' it like it is!!!
> There's no getting around it--the incumbent has to
> go come November!!!
> Slim
> On 3/31/04 6:58 PM, "ed kroposki"
> <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
> > Hey mark, check this out in scopes. It was just
> sent to me.
> >
> > The buildings that AREN'T burning in Iraq
> >
> > "They have a saying in the news business," Geraldo
> Rivera related this
> > week. "Reporters don't report buildings that don't
> burn." And with that
> > introduction, he told a TV audience about the
> story that is being
> > systematically denied to our entire nation: the
> success story of
> > post-Saddam Iraq.
> >
> > Are we losing some soldiers each week? Yes,. Is
> there some frustration
> > in the public about electricity and water service?
> Yes. Are some Saddam
> > Hussein loyalists throughout the land, making
> trouble? Yes. Has this
> > opened a window for some terrorist mischief? Yes.
> But that's ALL we
> > hear. No wonder the country is in a mixed mood
> about Iraq. If you hear
> > about the buildings that are not burning, though,
> it is a different
> > story indeed.
> >
> > Rivera is no shill for George W. Bush. But Bush,
> Condi Rice and Colin
> > Powell together could not have been as effective
> as Geraldo was Thursday
> > night on the Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes
> program.
> >
> > "When I got to Baghdad, I barely recognized it,"
> he began, Comparing his
> > just-completed trip to two others he made during
> and just after the
> > battle to topple Saddam. "You have over 30,000
> Iraqi cops and militiamen
> > already on the job.
> >
> > This is four months after major fighting stopped.
> Can you imagine that
> > kind of gearing up in this country? Law and order
> is better;
> > archaeological sites are being preserved;
> factories, schools are being
> > guarded." But what about the secondhand griping
> that the media have been
> > so efficiently relating about power, water and
> other infrastructure?
> >
> > "To say that Iraq is being rebuilt is not true,"
> answered Rivera. "Iraq
> > is being built. There was no infrastructure
> before; we are doing it. I
> > just think the good news is being underestimated
> and underreported." At
> > this juncture, one must evaluate how to feel about
> the voices telling us
> > only about the bad news in Iraq, whether from the
> mouths of news anchors
> > or Democratic presidential hopefuls. At best, they
> are underinformed. At
> > worst, their one-sided assessments of post-Saddam
> Iraq are intentional
> > falsehoods for obvious reasons.
> >
> > If I hear one more person mock that "Mission
> Accomplished" banner
> > beneath which President Bush thanked a shipload of
> sailors and Marines a
> > few months back, I'm going to spit. That was a
> reference to the ouster
> > of Saddam's regime, and that mission was indeed
> accomplished, apparently
> > to the great chagrin of the American left. No one
> said what followed
> > would be easy or cheap, and that's why the
> dripping-water torture of the
> > cost and casualty stories is so infuriating.
> Remember we pay our
> > soldiers whether they are in Iraq or in Ft Bragg,
> North Carolina. We
> > should all mourn the loss of every fallen soldier.
> But context cries out
> > to be heard. Our present news media is not
> performing this task. As some
> > dare to wonder if this might become a Vietnam-like
> quagmire, I'll remind
> > whoever needs it that most of our 58,000 Vietnam
> war toll died between
> > 1966 and 1972, during which we lost an average of
> about 8,000 per year.
> > That's about 22 per day, every day, for thousands
> of days on
> >
> >
> >
> > Local elections are under way across Iraq, Rivera
> reported. "Where Kurds
> > and Arabs have been battling for decades, things
> have been settling
> > down. Administrator Paul Bremer is doing a great
> job." So does Geraldo
> > think his media colleagues are intentionally
> painting with one side of
> > the brush? "I'm not into conspiracy theories, but
> there's just more bang
> > for your buck when you report the GI who got
> killed rather than the 99
> > who didn't get killed, who make friends, who
> helped schedule elections,
> > who helped shops get open for business, who helped
> traffic flow again.
> >
> > "The vast majority of Iraqis are very happy to
> have us there. I would
> > like to see a bit more balance." This needs to be
> reported to the
> > American Public who are presently being duped. I
> expect the dominant
> > media culture to nitpick and attack Bush, and
> Democrats to blast him
> > with reckless abandon. But when that leads to the
> willful exclusion of
> > facts that would shine truthful light on the great
> work of the American
> > armed forces, that level of malice plumbs new
> depths."
> >
> > If you have a friend that is looking for the
> truth, pass this on.
> >
> >
> >
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