[Rhodes22-list] Great Lightning Debate

Steve rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 7 12:32:19 EST 2004

That's Rooke Sail in Memphis.  Chris Rooke is a nice
guy.  I wonder if that was one of those new Beneteau
he has.  He has a nice 38 footer sitting there; or
maybe was sitting there:-)

--- brad haslett <flybrad at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I've been getting about 150+ junk e-mails a day
> recently and have had to ram-dump most incoming so I
> missed the lightning thread.  Thankfully.  I still
> have the 3 inch binder of lightning research from
> the
> last time this was debated.  About a month ago I had
> the opportunity to see a sailboat get struck.  I was
> driving by the only sailboat dealer in Memphis and I
> always look to see what is new on the lot.  There
> was
> a level five T-storm in progress and just as I
> glanced
> over a very powerfull bolt struck one of the tallest
> masts.  Hot pieces of stuff fell to the deck, I
> assume
> anything bolted to the mast, and the energy
> dissapated
> sideways off the shrouds.  I wanted to stop and look
> over the damage but not in that weather.  After
> seeing
> that event, I'm convinced no amount of grounding
> plates or leads would make a nicklels worth of
> difference.  In fact, perhaps having the energy
> dissapate through the shrouds is preferable.  It
> scared the hell out of me and I'm fearless.  Well,
> maybe not!  Brad
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