[Rhodes22-list] California Rhodes Available to View!

Frank Mott mottman2 at hotmail.com
Thu May 13 18:20:51 EDT 2004


Yes, there is a very happy Rhodes22, living in Los Alamitos Bay, just south 
of Long Beach, California.  My wife and I purchased the Rhodes and Stan used 
it as a "Boat Show" boat at "The San Francisco Boat Show" before delivery to 
  us. Actually, Stan and I had been working out the details of the sale for 
about six months prior.  We are extremely happy with the boat and it exceeds 
all our expectations.  And yes it makes many trips across to Catalina Island 
for sailing adventures there.  It handles all the elements that the Pacific 
Ocean has seen fit to send our way.  Sailing here is always ideal!  That is 
to say sunny and warm with great breezes and yes some occasional fog.  Sorry 
Yanks and Southerners, I grew up in Connecticut and Vermont and remember the 
idea of "Winter."
Our boat has all the bells and whistles that Stan installed for us.  The 
boat is available for view but sorry not for sale, sail only. Dark blue 
hull, white deck and one year new.  had a complete cover made that extends 
almost all the way to the waterline.  The sun here is intense and not 
helpful to boats, cars, airplanes etc.

If you'd like to chat or take a look let us know.  The main reason I 
selected the Rhodes other than the features is that the "Practical Sailor" 
series of books on purchasing a new or used sailboat rated it so highly.  
Get the video from Stan, I swear he sounds just like Lloyd Bridges, yet 
spunkier of course!

Regards, Aloha,
The Mottley Crew @Mottman2 at Hotmail.com

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