[Rhodes22-list] Environmental Report in NY Times
ed kroposki
ekroposki at charter.net
Tue Sep 21 11:20:23 EDT 2004
In order to see what Bill Effros was referring to in a recent email,
I had to subscribe to a neo communist publication. They have a headline
today that might be of interest to environmentally concerned:
See: www.nytimes.com/2004/09/21/business/21grass.html?th
Now I will take this report for what it is.
However, in the article that Bill said was truth, they used circular
reasoning. What Bill claimed as fact in reporting, referred to the source
of that article as CBS. Keep in mind that the basis of the original report
was forged documents and hearsay about what another said. In dealing with
the New York Times, keep in mind that they accept fraudulent documents and
hearsay as facts for reporting their news. Today, many news-reporting
agencies are using each other as the source for their news articles. This
cannot be construed as factual reporting.
Ed K
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