[Rhodes22-list] Music - Mandolin Player - Query

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Thu Feb 10 09:58:52 EST 2005

	Since I am 'Tone Deaf', I never got into playing musical
instruments.  Now the uninformed needs you guys to define some of your

What is a backpacker mandolin?  Where on the web can I see one?
What is a Banjolin?
Where on the web can I see and find out about a baritone uke and a bass

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum:  "Historically called the Charleston Main Light but now more
commonly known as Morris Island Lighthouse, this 161 foot conical brick
tower beacon stands six miles southeast of Charleston, South Carina's
biggest port." Terrance Zepke, Lighthouses of the Carolinas

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