[Rhodes22-list] Bob

Robert Dobson robertdobson777 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 23 10:32:41 EDT 2005

Gentlemen and Ladies, The information on this list is
out standing. It is one of the additional pluses of
being a Rhodie. Thanks.

--- "bestpestcontrol at earthlink.net"
<bestpestcontrol at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Bob  my bow eye is a standard u-shaped item
> (stainless steel)  about 5-6 inches long and is
> secured in the bow with two washers and nuts. these
> are covered with a wood trim. you will need a 9/16
> deep wall socket wrench to remove the nuts. go back
> outside to the bow eye and use a 9/16 open end
> wrench to tighten the two nuts that are on the
> outside. the pressure from tightening those two nuts
> will force the eye out of the bow. If yours is o k
> it will come out in one piece. if it comes out in
> more than one piece , take the eye out and use a
> punch or maybe a bolt 4 to6 inches long to drive the
> pieces toward the stern to clear the holes so you
> can put a new eye back in after sealing the openings
> very thoroughly. depending on the kind of sealant
> you use, its about a 1/2 hour to 45 minute project. 
> barney
> bestpestcontrol at earthlink.net
> EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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