[Rhodes22-list] 2 Inch Balls
Bill Effros
bill at effros.com
Mon May 30 23:23:21 EDT 2005
Most of us trailer so infrequently we are not up to speed on trailering
mechanics, but I'm sure we all think about it. I use the quick change a
ball system, and I have always appreciated the convenience, but have
never known if it is a good idea. What does your brother think?
Bill Effros
Gregg J. MacMillan wrote:
>> Unfortunately, one of the most expensive things on the Rhodes 22 can
>> be the IMF mast.
> Ed--
> Thanks for the heads up. I was pretty sure it was going to be an
> expensive purchase. The mast, being mounted on top of the boat, took a
> pretty good blow when it rolled over. There is a pretty good sized
> dent about half way up the mast. It doesn't seem to affect the normal
> operation of the IMF, but it does make it impossible to remove the
> furling mechanism. The sails are not in great shape, so I think we'll
> have to replace everything soon.
> Regarding the accident, I don't know too much more than what I posted
> earlier. I do know it was a 2" ball. According to my brother, who does
> a lot more towing than I do, he has heard of a number of failures to
> trailer balls that were made in China. (He claims you see them at flea
> markets for $1.79) According to him, they tend to harden the entire
> ball, not just the outside, and the balls become brittle. The failures
> he has been more familiar with are when the ball itself sheared off.
> In this case, the nut stripped off. When we picked up the boat, it was
> definitely not balanced correctly on the trailer...practically no
> tongue weight. I suspect that was a big part of the problem.
>> You can send email photos right from iPhoto 5 (use Share menu) or
>> save them to the desktop as jpegs from other versions and then send
>> as attachments with Mail.
> Jim--
> I do have/use iPhoto, and come to think of it, it probably does do
> most, if not all, the things that Picasa does. Thanks for the
> reminder. I did take Hank up on his offer to try gMail from Google and
> think I will be switching over my mail lists to my gMail address
> because of its indexing features.
> The last photos I attached apparently didn't go thru. They are jpgs,
> and not all that big, but I'll make them smaller and attach them again
> to see if that works.
> --Gregg
>Name: trueblue.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 78286 bytes Desc: not available
>Url: http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200505/30/trueblue.jpg
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