[Rhodes22-list] Political: Reply to Dave about understanding what is not ...

Hank hnw555 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 15:53:28 EDT 2006


OK, maybe there are 3 or 4 who are not air head liberals, but the vast
majority of them are, and I have lived there also.  I'm not looking to get
into an argument about it, but CA is well known as one of the most liberal
states in the Union.  There are areas that are conservative, but overall,
the liberals outnumber the conservatives.


On 7/19/06, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> Hank,
> I say again, if you actually read the article you posted, it's about
> California and California politics, and as I recall the word liberal
> doesn't  even
> appear.
> I have actually lived in California, and I can attest that not
> all  Democrats
> in California are air head liberals.
> Ed,
> Again, regrettably, we disagree.  We agree there were conservative
> Democrats, but you say they no longer exist.   Let me offer an  existence
> proof: First,
> let me be clear, a conservative Democrat, to me, means a  responsible
> adult
> affiliated with the Democratic Party.  Are there  currently responsible
> adults
> openly affiliated with the Democratic Party?   Well, how about Warren E
> Buffet, does he count?  Quite apart from the  billions he has amassed, and
> the
> multitude of companies he owns or  controls,  Mr Buffet was asked by
> Schwarznegger
> to assist with the Calif  budget debacle - I'd call Buffet a responsible
> adult, and a Democrat.  How  about Robert Rubin, who was a responsible and
> accomplished Secy of the Treasury  for Clinton?  Compare the parade of
> Treasury
> Secretaries  that Mr Bush  has had against the performance of Mr Rubin -
> it's not
> close, Rubin made it  work, the other's haven't.  Maybe George Soros - who
> has
> amassed a few more  billion $, and a few more businesses, than you or I
> could
> be counted as a  responsible adult.  The list goes on, but the 3 examples
> above
> are clearly  and openly affiliated with the Democratic party.  The air
> heads
> get the  press, but there are a lot of responsible (i.e. conservative)
> Democrats that  have accomplished much more than you or I.  Moreover, I
> suspect they
> understand the distinction between  "new conservative" Republicans and the
> air-head liberals of yore is a distinction without a difference.
> Conservative
> Democrats, as I've defined the term, exist today.
> As for the Libertarians, I  looked at their material some time  ago.  It
> appeared to me that the Libertarians and the "new
> conservative"  Republicans both
> believe that the solution for everything from the West Nile  Virus, to
> defense
> spending is that magic phrase "tax cut".  They are going  to cut your
> taxes,
> it feels good and, it appeals to the greed in all of  us.  But exactly
> what
> is the program, exactly how are they going to reduce  the
> government?  Well,
> that's to be determined, isn't  it.
> I regard Libertarians advocating reduced government and tax cuts, just as
> I
> regard "new conservative" Republicans advocating reduced government and
> tax
> cuts  - with great skepticism.  Show me the reduced government spending -
> show
> me  the savings - and then we'll talk about the tax cuts. And before we
> can
> talk  about any future tax cuts, we need a huge amount of cost savings to
> support
> tax  cuts that were passed as far back as Reagan.  The path followed by
> "new
> conservative" Republicans since Reagan has been to just have tax cuts with
> no
> cost savings - we have the debt to prove that claim.  Now the "new
> conservative" Republican  crowd has been found out and blame is coming
> home  to roost,
> so they are going to repackage themselves as Libertarians.  It's  the same
> lame game.
> You could do a lot worse than trusting the judgement of people like Warren
> Buffet, Robert Rubin, and George Soros - and even Al Gore.
> As for "the truth keeping us free", the truth is that we are in hock  up
> far
> above our necks as the result of the "new conservative" fiscal  follies
> (remember Cheney saying "taxes don't matter") and none of the ways  out of
> this mess
> are free.  The new Treasury Secy, Paulson, is widely  expected to "manage"
> a
> devaluation of the dollar.  You will quickly  appreciate how "free" a
> solution
> that is on your next trip abroad.   Perhaps even sooner, you will
> appreciate
> that "free" solution as the  effects of a devalued dollar ripple through
> the
> economy via inflation. The truth  is that the current Administration has
> been a
> continuing fiscal disaster of  historic proportions.  A second truth is
> the
> program promised by the  Libertarians is exactly the same program that was
> promised by the "new  conservative" Republicans years ago, and unless they
> explicitly identify a  coherent program and cost savings, it's likely the
> same bag of
> gas the "new  conservative" Republican promise was.
> JMO.
> Dave
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