[Rhodes22-list] Reduce your federal income tax (political humor)

DCLewis1 at aol.com DCLewis1 at aol.com
Fri Jun 30 02:27:13 EDT 2006

You may be right about getting a SSN, I haven’t found any simple universal  
solution for the US,  I gather it’s a state-by-state thing.  For  example 
according to 
(http://oregon.gov/DHS/ph/chs/change/chngrec.shtml)    in Oregon you can contact:
To file a delayed birth record for a child (age 1-6).
Debora Gott -  (971) 673-1155 
To file a delayed birth record for a child (age 7 and  up).
Becki Buskirk - (971) 673-1147
but it appears to me that each state  is going to be different.  However,  I 
have to believe there is  something for adults, or youth, in every state for 
just  the situations you  identified.  
FWIW, my search showed Canada has a straightforward process in  place to 
provide adults with a new birth certificate.
Regarding cruise ships from Europe not being able to land, you may be  right, 
but I’m really surprised.  It was a different world back then.   I can 
understand there would be a problem if a ship appeared with 500 destitute  refugees 
- but call them tourists and I think they and their $ would be welcome.  What I
’m suggesting though is that a few individuals who want to flee really do  
ride a cruise with a 1,000 other tourists - and the few just get off while the  
1,000 or so remaining tourists continue on.   I think that would be  very hard 
to track.  Given a little friendly support at the port of  interest, I think 
it would be impossible to track.  But it was a different  world back then, 
maybe they didn’t have cruise ships.
(Note: If the idea above sounds a little off the wall, I learned of it from  
the Indian who sold my son a car at a new car dealership.  It's what he  told 
us he did.  As I recall, he said he then lived and worked in  the US on an 
illegal basis for about 10 years, there was an amnesty  that included him, and 
now he can work any where he wants.)
Finally, I think I understand what you’re saying about all the taxes paid  
etc, but my problem is not with your business model,  it’s with the  employers 
who DON’T do what you did.  Instead, they hire illegals on a  daily basis, pay 
them what they have to pay them, cash them out at the end of  the day, and that
’s it - no taxes and no benefits.  Depending on the nature  of your business, 
you might get caught and fined, or you might not.  
I gather from your post that you had a factory - nearly everybody is  
assembled in one location along with their paperwork, you could reasonably by  
inspected.  But how about a roofing business with 10 sites that change  on any given 
day, or a plumbing business with 20 trucks dispatched at any time  and at any 
location for just a few hours, or..... , these guys are very  mobile, it 
would be hard to track them down and see exactly who is working - and  oh, all the 
paperwork is back at the office.  I think there’s a lot of  that, I could be 
wrong.  What I see is somebody hiring these guys on a  chronically short term 
basis, I think daily, after a short discussion in a  parking lot - I really 
wonder whether the people hiring are going through  the paperwork/tax drill you 
did.  Maybe they are, but there is some good  reason that regions impacted by 
large number of illegal workers are complaining  their social services are 
stretched - the affected governments think it's the  illegal workers and that 
suggests to me that maybe they aren't.

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