[Rhodes22-list] alternative energy & a rant...

DCLewis1 at aol.com DCLewis1 at aol.com
Thu May 18 20:05:19 EDT 2006

Thanks for the rant. 
We hope Bush is monitoring your every move, as per your wish.  Be  warned 
though, after your rant he’s going to be inquiring as to what you’ve been  
smoking and drinking - it’s his right to know, ask him.
Your concerns about our not taking advantage of our outer continental shelf  
resources, arctic resources , building refining capacity, etc are on the  
mark.  And who is the individual in these United States that could slap the  table 
and say “do it now” - absolutely right, it’s Hillary Clinton.   Hillary is 
holding things up, blame Hillary for the government's inaction, it's  all part 
of a sinister plot.
What person, what party, could de facto restart the nuclear power  industry, 
authorize - even fund -plants in 60 days, do whatever needs to be done  in the 
national interest?   Maybe, your thought is Hillary  and the Whig party?  I 
mean, the Republicans are and have been  the majority party in the House and 
Senate, they control the White House,  they’ve appointed most of the Supreme 
Court Justices - that is not enough  to get the job done?  You think the 
Republican Congress and  Administration are just helpless pawns in this process, that 
they lack some  power?  
And clearly you’re right it’s those damned liberals letting opinions  
interfere with the real facts and that’s why “we”  are not hearing the  "real" 
reason why gas prices are so high.  The NY Times is colluding  with the Wall 
Street Journal to impede the free flow of news - what a  concept!  Ah yes, and they 
are doing it at the behest of Hillary  Clinton.  Blame Hillary, or if that 
won't work, blame Bill!
Finally, you come down on the Congress.  Which party controls the  Congress?  
Which Party controls the White House?  Who has the  responsibility to get the 
job done if it means drilling in the Arctic or  off-shore, or building power 
plants and refineries?  No Bob, it's not the  Whigs, and it's not Hillary, 
it's the Republican House and Senate that are  holding hearings and otherwise 
posturing, and it's the Republican Administration  (George Bush) that's so far 
behind the power curve on energy issues it's  ridiculous.
Enjoy France.  Will you get any sailing in over there?

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