[Rhodes22-list] Political:Off to Iraq- NO Bonus

3drecon at comcast.net 3drecon at comcast.net
Wed Oct 25 22:51:17 EDT 2006

Actually, I was not aware of any Commissioned or Warrant (who are now in the Army, Commissioned) Officers who rated bonuses.  However; as I wrote before, Congress authorized the bonus, DoD issued implementing instructions and it is up to the services to implement them (or not).  Most of your examples are Navy.  I can't speak for them but there aren't many submariners in Baghdad or Bagram.  These Navy bonuses and if the Air Force has them for officers are very narrowly targeted.  Both services have been drawing down for the last couple of years.  The Army has been actively recruiting their personnel as they get out, going so far as to waive the Army's boot camp in exchange for a shortened familiarization school.

Your bonus examples are fine but they are not representative of the people fighting.  The Doctors must serve if they went to the military medical school.  I can't speak for lawyers, but if you say so I won't refute it.  Most of the special skill officers have extra pay in the form of pro pay and such.  Bonuses among officers are unusual.

Do you know of any for Artillery, Infantry or Armor Officers?  I know of none for Intelligence Officers and we are a shortage branch.  The original argument was that the majority of soldiers in the AOR went back due to bonuses.  That is simply untrue.


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: DCLewis1 at aol.com 

> Philip, 
> Certainly you're right as far as your case, but there are other officers who 
> do get enlistment bonuses. Aviation officers get bonuses as do Navy Spec 
> Officers. 
> usmilitary.about.com/od/navybonuses 
> The Chief of Naval Operations (CNL) has approved a Special Operations 
> Critical Skills Retention Bonus (SPECOPS CSRB) for qualified Special Operations 
> Officers. 
> Qualified SPECOPS Officers will receive up to $75,000 to serve in post-EOD 
> Officer-in-Charge detachment billets through their tenth year of commissioned 
> service. SPECOPS Officers will receive payment of up to $25,000 per year for a 
> three year continued service agreement, and up to $20,000 per year for a two 
> year continued service agreement. 
> Nuclear submarine officers get bonuses 
> (_www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=4663&sequence=0)_ 
> (http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=4663&sequence=0) 
> , and we all agree that Drs, lawyers, etc get bonuses. So there are bonuses. 
> Dave 
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