Opening ports (was RE: [Rhodes22-list] New Guy Bill D.)

Arthur H. Czerwonky czerwonky at
Sun Oct 29 22:05:28 EST 2006

Damn nice suggestion.  Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
>From: DCLewis1 at
>Sent: Oct 29, 2006 9:18 PM
>To: rhodes22-list at
>Subject: Re: Opening ports (was RE: [Rhodes22-list] New Guy Bill D.)
>I have a suggestion regarding the water that?s pooling at the bottom of  your 
>front hatches with the canvas covers on.  Bill Effros put me on to a  product 
>called The Absorber (as I recall).  It?s sold at West Marine and is  
>basically a super chamois.  The material really sucks up water.   Automotive stores 
>also sell the same product as a car washing product.
>We had the problem you described.  We?d find water pooled at the base  of the 
>front hatches, and once it leaked in.  The leak may have been  resolved by 
>our sealing the front hatches carefully and properly, but  I  also cut 2 roughly 
>4" wide (dimensions from memory) strips of Absorber long  enough to lay 
>across the external bottom of the hatches, rolled each one up, put  one along the 
>bottom of each hatch, and put the canvas covers back on.  I  have never found 
>water pooled along the bottom of the hatches again, it?s been  bone dry.  I 
>think some water is getting under the canvas covers, as it  always did, but that 
>the Absorber material wicks it up and it then it  evaporates.  If swabbing out 
>the ports is a nuisance, the above might  work for you.
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