[Rhodes22-list] Don Imus
watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 18:18:06 EDT 2007
Three columns in the Washington Post Outlook section
today provide interesting reading...
One by Joe R. Hicks:
By Johnetta Rose Barras:
and karen Henretty
(these are all linked from the Hicks page.
They'll either add enlightenment or fuel to this
--- Todd Tavares <sprocket80 at mail.com> wrote:
> By going after Imus, all Al Sharpton and Jessie
> Jackson did was cause
> people to have to choose sides. They are took an
> ignorant, insignificant
> comment made by a foolish white shock jock and
> turned it into fighting
> words. How can a white person defend what Imus said?
> He can't! But
> after all of the trouble Sharpton and Jackson
> whipped up, he won't risk
> commenting. But now there is a sense of need to
> circle the wagons and
> fight the battle those two so-called Reverends have
> started. This is
> how Jackson and Sharpton justify their own
> existence....cause a frenzy,
> then publicly calm the storm and/or mediate to make
> it appear as Blacks
> have won another battle. The only Blacks winning
> are those two by lining
> their pockets from the false support they stir up in
> the Black
> community. If a tree falls in the woods, does it
> make a noise? No, and
> nobody profits from it either. Jackson and Sharpton
> do not jump onto
> bandwagons...they ARE the bandwagons.
> Jason Whitlock may be playing to a white audience,
> but his argument makes
> a lot more sense than Al Sharpton's. Al and Jessie
> trump this, and any
> other issue they can, up into a national media witch
> hunt for their own
> gain and fame. They make their money by claiming to
> be helping the Black
> community and Black causes and empowering Blacks but
> they do so by
> putting them into the roles of victims. They take
> their pride and self
> worth and turn it into anger. There is no
> possible positive outcome
> from the trouble Al Sharpton started....unless you
> consider Don Imus
> getting fired a plus. What about the female
> basketball players? Dom Imus
> didn't steal their thunder--Al Sharpton did!
> Jason Whitlock makes
> much more sense. Regardless of who is too young to
> not remember the civil
> right movement and marches of the sixties, it makes
> alot more sense to
> ignor what someone else says about you. When it
> comes right down to it,
> what Imus said doesn't matter and these female
> basketball players
> shouldn't let Imus define who they are. They went
> from educated,
> championship contenders to "nappy headed hos" not
> because Imus said it,
> but because Al Sharpton turned them into victims.
> Al Sharpton and Jessis
> Jackson are racists and do more to fuel racism and
> discrimination than
> they do to solve these problems.
> Todd T
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph Hadzima"
> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list"
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Don Imus
> Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:46:51 -0700 (PDT)
> Regarding the double standard ...
> yes and no!
> THESE specific women basketball team members were
> singled
> out. There is no information on what music these
> women
> like. So we can't say they deserve to be called
> anything.
> In fact THEY were offended, the rest of the noise
> (e.g.
> Rev. Jackson, et al) just wanted to hop on to the
> band
> wagon, and be heard (after the Imus was fired,
> Jackson
> still wants to hold his march to CBS).
> I also believe there is a tad more to the story ..
> the
> conversation (not just the single sentence from
> Imus) said
> things like the TN team were "cute", and other
> remarks
> which were unflatering to the NJ team. Those
> remarks I'm
> sure did even more to hurt their feelings.
> It was NOT a GENERAL remark, it was directed to a
> specific
> team. When the MC at a MTV Spring Break show
> welcomes the
> "bitches" to Spring Break Mexico, they are not
> specifically
> refering to "all the girls from "WhatsAmatter U",
> but any
> in the croud that wish to identify themselfs with
> the
> remark. No one is up in arms (many of these women
> are not
> black, and neither is the MC of the show - so it's
> not just
> the Black RAP community that is at fault).
> Anyone remember when it was totally un cool to
> refer to
> females over 16 as girls? they were either women,
> or young
> women, sometimes a male could get away with
> calling a goup
> "ladies" if the average age was over 40 ... maybe.
> Where
> is NOW now? Are they okay with this?
> As for the true part of the double standard. The
> irony is
> that the black community fought very hard for
> total
> integration many years ago, and now that some
> white folk
> embrace some of the same cultural atributes (think
> America
> the melting pot) in the burbs it is some how
> wrong.
> So IMHO, I believe some of this outrage is a good
> thing,
> even Rev. Sharpton said there needs to be more
> outrage
> towards some RAP and commics. But as far as Imus
> goes, he
> did insult a specific group of talented
> indivduals, and
> deserved at least the 2 week suspention.
> HADZ (a.k.a. joe)
> "Did you know...that when you walk past a flower,
> whether it be in
> somebody's garden or on a vacant hillside, the
> flower will always
> smile at you. The most polite way to respond, I've
> been told, is
> to cheerfully return the smile."
> --Ron Atchison
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