[Rhodes22-list] Email etiquette question for Ed K

bobmellor rhmello at aol.com
Wed Apr 18 21:10:31 EDT 2007

I am purplexed...

Ed K wrote:
"Joseph Hadzima:
>From your reply on this subject I gather that you know something about
computers.  Because bad computer manners are rampent does not mean that is
the correct way.  If you look above you will notice that I changed the
subject line.  Come on man, show the others how to do things right.  Ask
Bill Effros what is the correct procedure."

The thread began with an initial post from Brad titled "computer
question"....  The position of Joes reply in the thread indicates he is
replying directly to Brads initial post titled "computer question".

"Re" is an abbreviated form of the Latin "in re", which, "re" being the
ablative case of "res" (thing), means "concerning" or "in the matter of".)
-- source www.about.com

thus "Re: computer question" further clarifies that Joe's reply is
concerning the "computer question" posted by Brad.

I can understand modification of the subject line when straying off topic or
if the thread position is not sequential to the intended post , but why in
Joe"s case?

Bob M

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