[Rhodes22-list] How to Handle Gusty Winds

David Culp daculp at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 15:31:06 EDT 2007


The centerboard in this situation is no longer producing enough lift to
the increasing lateral forces being applied to the boat and is being pushed
more sideways in the water.
The result is the boat begins to heel.

If the CB is down you are presenting a large flat surface on a longer lever
to water resistance
on the lee side of the CB.  By raising the CB you reduce the surface area
that the water can impact it in this way and you shorten the lever in which
the remaining side
force is being applied to the CB.  This reduces heeling but as Wally says
your leeway
(side slip) will increase.  Other explanations will be more scientific, but
this is basically
it.  The Rhodes sails pretty good to weather with the board up anyway in my
opinion.  Again,
Stan has a good discussion in the manual on how to use the centerboard and
the trade offs;
it's the old lift vs. drag thing again.


>I didn't understand one comment Wally made - "I would raise the CB
some increasing lee way while reducing heeling."  I was figuring just
the opposite, with the CB all the way down it has more leverage to
balance the topside.  How does raising the CB reduce heeling?>

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